Closure: A Breakup Recovery Program

Get Over Your Ex  •  Heal Your Heart  •  Change Your Life


Are you struggling to get over your ex or heal from a breakup?

If so, you are not alone.  Closure is an all-in-one audio program designed to help women develop healthy coping skills to heal after their breakup.  In as little as 7 days, you'll learn important life lessons to not just survive your breakup but to be empowered through it.  

What You'll Learn

Gain Clarity

Get perspective on what went wrong in your relationship so you can stop ruminating about the past.  

Heal your Heart

Learn to let go, grieve your relationship, and forgive yourself.

Regain Self-Confidence

Break the negative self-talk so you can move on with more confidence and peace.

Who is this for?

  • Women who are struggling to get over their exes
  • Those who want to overcome their feelings of shame and guilt after the break up
  • Confused about what had happened and can't stop ruminating about their exes or the relationship
  • Have an open mind and willingness to self-reflect and do their inner healing work

What You'll Get

Full Audio Program & Workbook

Contains six main lessons with daily exercises you can do privately at your own pace.

Bonus 1:  No Contact Survival Guide

Learn 6 simple steps you can use right away to ease your fear and anxiety when you can't contact your ex.  Includes special recommendations for those who share children, stay friends, or work together.

Bonus 2:  5 FAQs Special

Get answers to these common, tricky questions:

  1. Should you stay friends with your ex?
  2.  What to do if he wants you back?
  3.  How can you let him go if you still love him?
  4.  When do you know you're ready to date again?
  5.  How to trust again after you've been hurt?

lessons overview (~ 30 min/day)

Day 1:  What happened?
Day 2:  Relationship autopsy
Day 3:  Why do I attract bad partners?
Day 4:  Grieving, Part 1
Day 5:  Grieving, Part 2
Day 6:  Re-scripting your internal dialogue
Day 7:  Wrapping things up


What Client Say

"Great experience!  Very inventive and insightful. Easy to follow with your guidance. The program helped me see a lot of insights into my relationship.  [Quynh] confirmed the path I needed to take and helped me go in that direction 'cause sometimes the pain overshadows my path."


about your guide

Quynh is a creative healer who helps AAPI individuals heal and transform their shame into their gifts and personal power.

Her life's work is to create a safe space to facilitate the learning, exploration, and healing of shame and trauma in a holistic way that's non-pathologizing, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive.  

"CLOSURE is dedicated to all the brave women who dare to love. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey."

To your recovery,



Why should I buy this program?

This program was uniquely designed for those who are ready to change and heal at the deepest level with an experienced guide.  If that sounds like you then consider giving it a try.

Will I get over my ex after completing the program?

It's hard to say because everyone heals differently so there is no guarantee.  It all depends on how you think and process your emotions.  You may find some lessons are easier to do while others will take longer to complete. 

The only way to know for sure is to try it out for yourself.  All I can say is I've been where you are and know what's needed to get through the other side.  The most important thing is that you're open, committed, and ready to do the work. 

Do I have to do all the lessons at once?

No, you don't.  I'd recommend taking your time with each day's lesson and not rushing through them. This process can bring up a lot of intense feelings so it's best to rest in between.

Once you buy the program, you'll get immediate access to all the lessons.  However, it's best to do one lesson per day in the correct order for the best results.

Will this work for me if I'm going through a divorce?

If you still hold any resentment, anger, or strong feelings toward your ex-spouse, then this program can help you heal.

However, I do not recommend this program to anyone who's currently going through a divorce. There will be way too many distractions for it to be effective.  You'll need to take care of all the logistics and legal aspects of the divorce first.  Once the divorce is finalized, then perhaps this program will be more beneficial to you.

What is your refund policy?

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority.  If for any reason you're not happy with the program, please let me know within 30 days of purchase and I'll give you a full refund.  No questions asked.

How can I contact you if I have more questions?

Please email me at or use the Contact form. 

ready to heal your heart?