building shame resilience:

Establishing a Safe Home Base Within



9AM - 3PM [PST] on ZOOM

workshop description

Shame is a universally painful emotion and experience.

Everyone has it and we’re all born with the capacity to feel shame. It’s at the root of our negative core beliefs and feelings that “there’s something wrong with me” or “I’m not good enough.”

However, not everyone can recognize or be aware of their feelings of shame because shame tends to hide behind defense mechanisms and bind with other emotions, such as fear and anger.

If shame is left unacknowledged and unprocessed, it can trap a person into a shame spiral, creating endless painful cycles of anxiety, depression, self-shaming, and self-defeating behaviors.

Fortunately, we don’t have to struggle with shame alone.  

In this experiential workshop, participants will learn to build shame resilience by connecting with and embodying their strengths through a combination of guided exercises, action methods, group sharing, and lectures.

No experience with experiential methods is necessary, just an open mind and the willingness to try new things!

Who this is for?

  • Interested in personal growth and self-development
  • Have an open mind with the willingness to self-reflect and try new things
  • Tired of feeling anxious, depressed, or angry about life and want to do something about it
  • Struggled with shame and want to learn how to manage it more effectively in a safe and supportive group setting

What You'll Learn

New Understanding of the Shame Spiral

Gain a practical understanding of the shame spiral and what to do when you're in one.

How to regulate feelings of shame when triggered

Be able to identify your shame triggers and learn how to calm and soothe yourself.

How to Establish a Safe Home Base Within

Experience ways to build, strengthen, and connect yourself to a safe and secure inner foundation to compassionately counter the self-shaming cycles.

What to Expect

1. Warm Up

We'll start with a series of educational and group bonding activities to help you feel safe, comfortable, and ready for the work ahead.

2. Healing in Action

Through a supported and contained role playing process, you can safely explore your thoughts, feelings, and practice new skillsets to manage your life situation more effectively with greater insights and strengths.  

3.  Sharing and Integration

Lastly, you'll get a chance to receive compassionate sharing from other participants to help you integrate the new insights into your awareness and apply them to your life.

meet your guide

Quynh Tran

Quynh is a Healing Shame Practitioner and Certified TSM Team Leader who helps individuals heal and transform their shame into their gifts and personal power.

Her life's work is to create a safe space to facilitate the learning, exploration, and healing of shame in a holistic way that's non-pathologizing, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive.  

Before her work with shame, Quynh was an optometrist for 10 years and received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley.


Can I join if I don't have any experience with action/experiential methods?

Yes!  This workshop is beginner friendly.  As long as you're open-minded and willing to try or learn new things, you're welcomed to join.  

What if I have to arrive late or leave early?  Will the workshop be recorded?

This workshop will not be recorded for confidentiality purposes.  I highly recommend that you come and stay for the entire time for the best learning experience.  Thank you!

Do you offer Continued Education Units (CEUs)?

No. This workshop is more for your own personal growth and interest.

How can I contact you if I need more help?

Please email me at or use the contact page

let's heal together