TIME STAMPS0:00 - What is Intergenerational Trauma?2:45 - 3 Mechanisms of Transmission7:07 - Impacts of Intergenerational Trauma9:09 - Effects on Family Functioning17:15 - Challenges in breaking the pattern24:19

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As we learned in Part 1, shame is an inherent aspect of our genetic makeup as human beings. Therefore, there is no particular “cause” of shame since it

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Video Transcript:Whether we like it or not, experiencing trauma is an inevitable part of being human, but so is our capacity to heal from it.  As we learn

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Video Transcript: Ever wonder why trauma survivors would retell the same story over and over again without any resolution?  Or why it’s so hard for them to get

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Video Transcript:While most of us do not choose it, suffering is an unavoidable part of life.  Much of it is through the traumatic events we experienced, from birth

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