private coaching

You can heal.

I can guide and support you on your journey toward healing, self-love, mental well-being, and meaningful relationships with others.

This is for people who want to 

  • Overcome their feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness, or "not good enough."
  • Heal the root cause of their pain and trauma vs. treating the symptoms only. 
  • Cultivate a healthy relationship with themselves, their bodies, identities, work, or loved ones.
  • Build and develop the capacity to:
  • Manage interpersonal conflicts and life crises (ie. breakup, loss, death, transitions)
  • Regulate and process difficult emotions
  • Build shame resilience after trauma
  • Set healthy boundaries and stop people-pleasing
  • Balance the needs of caring for themselves and others
  • Trust, honor, and communicate their needs effectively  
  • Embrace who they are and live authentically according to their true values
  • Why Work with Me

    Unlike the traditional coaching model, I'm not here to tell you what to do, think, say, or be.  I'm simply here to remind you of what you already know but might have forgotten or are unaware of.  

    My role is to gently guide, support, and hold space for you until your truth can emerge.  All I ask is for you to be open and trusting enough to go within.  

    I'll be with you each step of the way, following these core principles to provide you with the best care and results:

    Safety First

    Less is More

    Slow is Fast

    What You'll Get

    • Clarity

    I'll help you make sense of your experience by identifying the underlying negative patterns that are keeping you stuck.

    • Perspective

    I'll guide you to gain a bigger perspective of your situation by exploring your thoughts and feelings while balancing them with other points of view.

    • Relief

    I'll help you find a sense of support and agency by connecting you with the strengths and resources you already have inside and around you. 

    • Solutions

    I'll support you in finding the right solutions for your problems and setting a clear, realistic plan to implement them.

    Ready to heal?

    Book a session to get started!

    All sessions are done virtually over Zoom and any content discussed is kept confidential. Video or audio recording is available upon request with no extra charge.


    Happy Clients

    Great experience!  

    Very inventive and insightful. Easy to follow with your guidance. The experience helped me see a lot of insights into my relationship.  [Quynh] confirmed the path I needed to take and helped me go in that direction 'cause sometimes the pain overshadows my path.

    Chau Nguyen

    Timeliness, Customer service, Quality offerings

    Very caring and understanding of my situation, provided good feedback and tools to move forward. Felt very heard and respected. So happy with the time I was given and will recommend to people I come across in need of similar help. Thank you for everything.

    John Inocenio

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What happens after I schedule the call?

    You'll get an email confirmation of the appointment.  Please mark this date and time in your calendar as a reminder. 

    I look forward to speaking with you!

    What if I need to reschedule?

    You can do it directly from the confirmation email.  A maximum of two reschedules are allowed. 

    What is your cancellation and refund policy?

    To receive a full refund, please cancel at least 48 hours before the appointment time through the link in your email.  After that, no refund will be given except for emergencies.  The amount paid can be applied toward a future coaching session within 6 months.  Thank you for your understanding.

    Do you offer a coaching package for multiple sessions?

    Yes, I do!  I can create a coaching package to fit your specific needs based on our first session together.  Please book a consultation with me and we can discuss it further.


    How can I contact you if I have more questions?

    You can email me at or use the contact form.


    start healing today!

    Experience a deep sense of healing, self-love, mental well-being, and meaningful relationships with others